Healthcare I.T. SupportCyber security is a key requirement for all healthcare organizations. Without it you might as well close your doors— because the government will be closing them for you. This is why you need the best Healthcare I.T. Support you can find. And to ensure you find the best, here are “The Top 5 Questions To Ask When Outsourcing Your Healthcare I.T. Support.”

  1. Will they monitor your data and technology systems around the clock?
  2. Can they ensure your patient information is secure and protected, and available whenever your healthcare providers need it?
  3. Do they perform HIPAA Risk Analyses to confirm all requirements are exceeded? *
  4. Will they back up your data using HIPAA-Compliant Solutions?
  5. Do they have the ability to manage relationships with your EMR/EHR supplier, and other technology vendors supplying services to your healthcare business?

These “Top 5 Questions To Ask When Outsourcing Your Healthcare I.T. Support” are key to finding the best provider. However, few companies pass the test. — But Raleigh IT Support Company and IT Services Provider | CSP Inc. will. That’s because we’re the Premier I.T. Support Company for healthcare organizations across Raleigh.

Don’t waste your precious time or energies interviewing others who can’t answer these questions. Contact your healthcare I.T. Support experts at (919) 424-2000 or, and we’ll prove to you that we’re the best Healthcare I.T. Support Company around.

*HIPAA requires risk analyses be conducted, and specifies that the risk analysis process be on-going. Healthcare organizations receiving EHR incentive payments without conducting a risk assessment will be held liable under the False Claims Act and must forfeit their payments. The OIG (Office of Inspector General) has made this a top priority, and is diligently proceeding with investigations.

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