Soon, children will be scurrying all over the neighborhood in costumes of various shapes and sizes to see who can fill their bags with candy first.

Viruses in Raleigh

Part of the fun of Halloween is the almost-scary stuff assembled in each front yard to amaze, dismay, frighten, and amuse children who come into the yard. Of course, it’s all in fun, and nothing is meant to do any real mental or emotional harm.

But, here’s the deal…

While you are at home carving pumpkins and passing candy to the already sticky hands of some five-year old ghost, your business computer systems are left vulnerable to seriously scary viruses, worms, adware, and malware.

For a business leader, there are few things scarier than having your business computer systems infected. Why? Because infected networks and computers result in downtime, lost productivity, lost revenue, and thousands of dollars in break/fix computer bills!

Do You Know???

  • What the warning signs are?
  • What viruses do?
  • How to protect yourself and your business?
  • What to tell your employees about viruses?

Join the Raleigh IT Support Company and IT Services Provider | CSP Inc. team on Thursday the 27th at 10:00 am for an informative webinar on the topic of “What Do Viruses ACTUALLY Do?” CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW!

The threat of viruses looms over your business every day, just waiting for a crack to worm their way through to your systems and cause major cost, upset, and upheaval.

  • Ransomware – Ransomware finds its way into your computers through bogus email attachments and sits in the background of your computer quietly encrypting all of your essential files. One day, you go to find that important document or spreadsheet only to discover that when it opens, it looks like total gibberish! OH NO! Not long after, a dialogue box pops open on your computer, and the bad guys are demanding payment before they allow you to regain access to your documents, spreadsheets, databases, and pictures.
  • Adware – How much of your day is spent closing those stupid pop-up boxes? Where do they all come from? Why are they so persistent and insistent? You likely have an adware problem. Somewhere along the line, you clicked on the wrong link – likely in an email or on a website – and BAM! You are now inundated with ads for stuff you will never need and would never use.
  • Malware – When hackers just want to do damage or spy on your deepest secrets they deploy malware to wreak havoc with your computer systems. Usually, these nasty little computer programs get downloaded when you visit a site that isn’t quite legitimate, or they ride along with a program that you chose to download off the web somewhere. Once on your computer, they usually slow your system and do whatever painfully damaging thing that their designers intended – unless you partner with a professional cyber-security team to stop them!

At the webinar on Thursday the 27th at 10:00 am the cyber-security experts of Raleigh IT Support Company and IT Services Provider | CSP Inc. are going to explain how you can avoid and combat these malicious computer issues and thwart the criminal intent behind them. —- It’ll be worth taking a few minutes out of your morning that day. Seats are limited. — CLICK HERE NOW to register.

To learn more about the Raleigh IT Support Company and IT Services Provider | CSP Inc. team. Contact us today by calling (919) 424-2000 or send an email to our friendly staff at

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