Reasons To Check Out Managed IT Services In Raleigh, NC.

I’ve been a fan of airplanes ever since I learned in third grade about Orville and Wilbur Wright and the flight of their plane, the Flyer, down near Kill Devil Hills here in North Carolina. Although flight has come a long way since then, the basics haven’t changed — aerodynamics, an engine, a pilot, and a ground crew. That’s what it takes to have a successful flight.

So when it comes to business, I’ve always believed that the same elements were necessary. For a business to fly it needs:

  • A Pilot – Someone with some vision, courage to lead the way, and determination to fight any headwinds that come along.
  • An Engine – The investment of capital and sweat equity that puts fuel in the tank and powers the enterprise.
  • Aerodynamics – The right tweaks to angles and strategies that give the company the edge that keeps it soaring.
  • A Ground Crew – The people that care for all the maintenance of the maintenance and emergency response protocols of the business.

With this outlook on business firmly implanted in my psyche, I turned to what our company would need in an IT support partner.

I determined that I would look for the same elements in an IT partner that I had developed in my own business.

The biggest part of my strategy was that I wanted an IT company that could provide continuous IT maintenance and management.


Because waiting until my systems crashed and then calling the IT “fire department” doesn’t make sense to me. I wanted near-zero downtime for my production processes. To achieve that goal, I’d have to have someone on my side that was going to keep my business technology running flawlessly.

After some research, I discovered that what I wanted in an IT support company in Raleigh existed and that it was called, “Managed IT Services.”

Managed IT Services is a subscription-based, continuous IT support strategy that leverages technology management, maintenance and monitoring to give companies like mine the best chance for maximum uptime, productivity, and profit.

Now that I knew that Managed IT Services is what I wanted for my Raleigh NC company, I began to think through those four qualities that I focused on in my business and used them as a guide to choosing the right Managed IT Services provider. I made up my mind that the right candidate to deliver IT support for my business had to:

  1. Have the leadership skills of a pilot. – After all, I don’t know much about running IT systems. I just want to be able to walk into my office, push the “ON” button on my computer, and USE the thing to get my work done. So I need someone that can give high-level advice and direction in this area – not only for my computer, but for the servers, cloud assets, and dozens of other devices that my employees use each day. It’s pretty easy to find a computer-fix-it guy, but it’s a challenge to find someone with the IT consulting chops needed to discuss IT strategy and how it dovetails with business strategy at an executive level.
  2. Have their own “engine” — drive and motivation. – After all, I don’t have time to babysit someone else’s employees while they are working on my IT systems. If a prospective company can’t keep their employees on-track and motivated, they’re not for me.
  3. Understand the aerodynamics of business AND technology. – A company that only understands technology is no good to me. Why? Because to be efficient, technology must be tailored to the business model and internal workflow of a company. As a result, I need a Managed IT Services partner that understands how to tweak the angles and flow of technology to match the current “weather patterns” of my business.
  4. Employ a ground crew that is second to none. – It’s the “ground crew” – the technicians – that keep business technology functioning properly. Whether its updates and upgrades, security patches and management, or a complete overhaul, the technicians are the guys and ladies that a company like mine counts on to keep things running like clockwork. We trust them with the workflow of each aspect of the business from the front office and the production floor to sales and logistics. Everything is interconnected by technology and must be maintained and monitored.

My Search For The Right Managed IT Services Pilot, Power, Aerodynamic Engineer, And Ground Crew Led Me To The CSP Team Right Here In Raleigh, NC.

CSP met all of my high expectations and introduced me to things that I never knew that technology could do for my business. Here are some of the services that my new Managed IT services partner delivers to keep my business soaring!

Since bringing the CSP team into a partnership with my business and harnessing the power of the Managed IT services model of IT support, I have seen a measurable uptick in our productivity. (In my business, every percentage point of productivity matters and equates to tens of thousands of dollars each year.) The CSP team keeps my Raleigh company’s IT systems running and secure.

I’ve found the motivated ground crew and the executive IT leadership that I had been looking for in CSP. Now, they work each day diligently to keep my business in the air and reaching new heights.

To read more outstanding articles about CSP and our delivery of Managed IT services to Raleigh businesses CLICK HERE.

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