Computer UpdatesHave you ever wondered how hackers get through your systems? It’s all because of holes that exist in your systems and you must apply updates to fix these holes.

When They Happen

Microsoft updates happen every Tuesday and, if configured properly, your computer will install them for you. The average person won’t restart their computer and it leaves these updates uninstalled. People do this for days on end, leaving their system vulnerable. These updates are created for a few reasons; hackers already have gone through or Microsoft found the hole before the hackers and other vendors found issues with their software. Whether the update is critical or not, people can still get through your system, via these holes, if not installed.


Making sure you are not skipping out on these updates is crucial to not have any problems with your computer. Since hackers can get into one computer and access entire networks, it’s that much more important to keep your systems updated. Follow these steps to enable automatic updates for the crucial and recommended ones:

Windows 8/8.1

  1. Right click the lower left corner and select “Control Panel” (then go to step 2)

Windows Vista/7

  1. Click “Start” and then “Control Panel” (then go to step 2)

All Systems

  1. Click “System and Security”
  2. “Windows Update”
  3. “Change settings”
  4. From the drop down menu, select “Install updates automatically (recommended)”
  5. Select “Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates”
  6. Select “ Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows”

Other Updates

Not only is it important to update what Microsoft recommends, but your other software needs updates as well. Usually, in the “Help” section of every software you will find a “Check for updates” button. I recommend doing this once a week. You can also check to see if your programs update automatically, in their preference sections.

While you’re at it, don’t forget about your virus and malware definitions. These prevent hackers from entering through your system from other avenues, ones not always related to your operating system.

Computer care can be a daunting task, and it’s not a fun part of your day. It may take up a bit of time, but it has to be done. Give us a call or email us to see how we can take care of your systems for you. We give you the opportunity to stick to your business, not your computer repairs.

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