Whether you’ve been through the wringer already with IT security challenges, or you simply suspect your IT security defenses need an overhaul – CSP is your Raleigh, NC leader in advising and consulting companies of all sizes and industries on the matter. We can get your business to the level at which it needs to be, with our comprehensive and thorough cyber security training for Raleigh companies and staff across all departments.

Is Your IT Security Policy Up to Snuff?

Many companies may think their IT security policies will pull them through the next compliance audit or even next occurrence of email phishing or malware. This belief, for too many businesses, however, is illusory.

Internet security, or cyber security policy and procedures entail a different set of standards than IT security, or network security per se, even though they are related. You want to have a holistic, wide-reaching nexus of policies that cover all aspects of both your IT and internet security, but, where many companies falter is they have the security tools and technology in place, but not the end-user policies and workplace education that can mean the difference between a ransomware catastrophe and avoidance of such a disaster.

Don’t Let the Cybercriminals Gain a Foothold

Cybercriminals are stealing confidential data via social engineering and weaknesses in company email security policies — if not total lack of them. If even one of your employees gets a phishing email and opens it, downloads a pdf. file with malware attached, or visits a criminal’s website that’s disguised as a legitimate site, your business data — and reputation, compliance standing and very existence — is put in jeopardy.

Multiple studies have reached the same overwhelming conclusion regarding cybercrime exploits of social engineering in the workplace.

Here’s what a few found regarding the percentage of IT security breaches caused by social engineering:

  • 95% according to IBM’s Security Services Cyber Security Intelligence Index Report.
  • 90% according to Online Trust Alliance.
  • 78% according to Verizon.

Even small and mid-sized businesses aren’t immune to security breaches. Here are some statistics on the cybersecurity challenges of medium-sized companies:

  • 71% of cyber breaches occurred in businesses with fewer than 100 employees. (Verizon)
  • 60% of SMBs went out of business within 6 months of a data breach. (National Cyber Security Alliance)

Raleigh Cyber Security Training for the 21st Century

With all the dangerous cyber security exploits going around, such as ransomware, adware, malware, and email phishing schemes of all types – we have to be more vigilant than ever. We have to take our workplace cyber security up about ten notches.

With our tutelage, you can have your entire workforce passing a rigorous cyber security course in really no time at all. You, your business, and your staff will all be much better for it, because let’s face it – nobody wins when a company’s computer network is compromised. Each of your staff members will gain the stark realization that by being careless with emails, they aren’t merely putting their company in jeopardy, but their own jobs and livelihoods as well.

Although you may have a fortress of IT security tools, hardware, and appliances, if you haven’t trained your employees to be able to readily identify cyber threats, you’ve left yourself and your business wide open to compliance violations and huge fines, a downgrade in your reputation among your clients, and a very messy situation (especially if it’s a ransomware infection).

Plus, many regulations, insurance policies, compliance laws, and audits require workplace cyber security and safety policies and training that many SMBs don’t maintain.

The Solution—PII PROTECT from CSP

Our IT Security Training for Raleigh companies provides a portal that includes Online Training, a Monthly Newsletter, and Weekly Micro-Training.  With this exclusive proprietary program, business owners can track each employee’s progress, such as what they’ve completed, and how they’ve performed on tests.

Here’s what’s included in our exclusive cyber security training for Raleigh businesses:


  • Online Security Training (self-paced)
  • Weekly Micro-Training (2-minute video on active threats)
  • Monthly IT Security Newsletter


  • Online Certification Test
  • Periodic fake/simulated “Phishing Attacks”


  • Access to 10 IT Security Policies
  • Online tracking of policy acceptance


  • Online IT Security Portal for all resources
  • Executive Reports for tracking purposes

Your #1 Cyber Security Policy – Safety (and all the rest)

The CSP PII PROTECT portal also provides IT Policies that you can use and publish as is, or edit according to your needs.  Simply select the cyber policies you want your users to adhere to when they take our online cyber security training course:

  • Policy Templates
  • Written Information Security Policy
  • Termination Policy
  • Security Incident Response
  • Sanction Policy
  • Network Security Policy
  • Access Controls Policy
  • Computer Use Policy
  • Disposal Procedure Policy
  • BYOD Policy
  • Facility Security Plan Policy
  • Policy Acknowledgement

Pricing for PII PROTECT is based upon the number of users we get for any given training course.

Ready to Let Us Be Your Cyber Security Educators?

Don’t wait until your Raleigh business gets hit with a costly cyber exploit. Let us educate your staff with the proper cyber security policy and procedures that will have you weathering the next cyberattack and compliance audit!

For a demonstration, or more information about the CSP PII PROTECT and our Cyber Security Training for Raleigh companies, contact Stephen Riddick, VP of Sales and Marketing at: 919-424-2019 or sriddick@cspinc.com.

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