Do You Believe In These 3 Cloud Myths?

If you’ve come across this article, you’re probably looking for some info about the cloud – and let’s be honest, there’s a lot out there. The cloud is a big topic today, so much so that it can be difficult to figure out what’s actually worth your time.

The reality is that, if you’re not already using the cloud for file sharing and storage, you’re way behind the times. That said, before you rush to use the cloud, you should be sure you haven’t bought into some of the misinformation that’s out there…

3 Cloud Misconceptions You Shouldn’t Believe

1: The Cloud Is Automatically Secure

As powerful as the cloud is, it also presents serious cybersecurity concerns for businesses that use it improperly. According to Checkpoint and Cybersecurity Insider’s 2019 Cloud Security Report:

  • Leading cloud vulnerabilities include unauthorized cloud access (42%), insecure interfaces (42%), misconfiguration of the cloud platform (40%), and account hijacking (39%).
  • Those responsible for cybersecurity have difficulty acquiring visibility into cloud infrastructure security and compliance (67%).
  • Outdated cybersecurity solutions don’t integrate with the cloud – 66% of respondents said their traditional security solutions either don’t work at all, or only provide limited functionality in cloud environments

The bottom line is that if the cloud makes it easier for you and your staff to access your business’ data, it can potentially make it easier for cybercriminals to do so as well if you don’t have the right cloud solution, or right cloud management company on your side.

2: The Cloud Is Expensive

The cloud has a number of benefits to offer, a key one of which is the opportunity to move from capital expenses (CapEx) to operating expenses (OpEx). However, this is more easily said than done.

Many businesses’ IT budgets (and those who make them) are still based around CapEx. It’s the conventional way that IT systems used to be financed. When big businesses consider the cloud, they think about it the same way they do any other upgrade – from the ground up, with the capital funds to commit to it.

Whereas small to medium-sized businesses often look for an economy of scale that provides them with access to resources they wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise, enterprises often are thinking too big to see those benefits. That doesn’t mean they don’t apply though.

No business owner or manager should assume they have to build their own data center to get the most out of the cloud. By working with a managed cloud services partner, they can maintain control, and still take advantage of the change from CapEx to OpEx. Whereas CapEx — on-premise IT solutions — is paid for upfront and brings in a gradual return over the following months and years, OpEx is “pay-as-you-go”. You pay for a cloud solution month by month, which vastly reduces the window between investment and return.

3: Migration Is Easy

There is any number of concerns related to cloud migration:

  • During the transition, you could lose some key files for good with no backup or redundancies to replace it.
  • The migration, already expensive, takes longer than you expected and adds what you thought was avoidable downtime to your staff’s work life.
  • Once it finally gets installed and launched, you find out the platform is overly complicated and difficult to learn, leading to more downtime for your staff.

Does that mean you should forget about the cloud and what it could do for you? Of course not. It just means you have to plan your migration carefully…

Migration is the process of moving some or all of your data and applications into the cloud (that is, to a data center or a cloud-based infrastructure provided by a cloud service provider such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure). You can choose to move some of your applications, or your total organizational infrastructure where all of your computing, software, storage, and platform services are transferred to the cloud for any time, anywhere access.

Cloud migration helps you achieve real-time and updated performance and efficiency. However, a cloud migration requires careful planning and implementation to ensure the cloud solution is compatible with your organizational requirements.

CSP Will Help You Understand The Cloud (And Take Advantage Of It)

Knowing what the benefits of the cloud are and actually gaining them in your work are two very different things – you need to overcome major obstacles and optimize your cloud environment.

Allow us to help — if you still have questions about the cloud, then make sure you attend our upcoming webinar:

Cloud Basics With Green Cloud And CSP

Wednesday, September 2nd, 10 AM EST


Join us for this exclusive webinar to learn the basics of the cloud, as well as enter for a chance to win two incredible prizes: a Yeti Cooler and Apple Air Pods!

We’ll see you then.

For more information, click here to get in touch with our representatives or call us at (919) 424-2000 .

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