More and More Companies are Discovering They Have the Need for Speed.

Companies across the region know there is an advantage to grab here, but are grappling with the same questions.

  • What could I do with more bandwidth?
  • What would be the impact of utilizing more bandwidth be on my business?
  • Who can I trust to answer my bandwidth questions? 

Want answers to these questions?

Raleigh IT Support Company and IT Services Provider | CSP Inc. is holding an essential webinar to ensure that our clients and valued members of our community are taking full advantage of the bandwidth boom!

When?  Thursday, August 18th 2016


Does this sound familiar?

Dan has fifteen employees. Each of them is using cloud-enabled apps and the internet on their desktop computers. Half of them have a tablet that, even dormant, sucks up bandwidth with updates, and then he realizes that all of his employees have cell phones that are also sucking up bandwidth like vampires.

About that time, one of his employees, Robert, starts loudly tapping his mouse against the desk and muttering aloud about, “this $%^&* slow internet.”

Yep, about that time, Dan’s going to do one of three things. He’s either going to:

  • Assess the concept of firing Robert – maybe not a bad idea
  • Reduce his company’s use of the internet (not likely – and not good for productivity)


  • Start looking into getting some more bandwidth – Yeah, that’s probably the right answer. (Though I’d still take another swing at that “fire Robert” idea.)

Why more bandwidth? Like Goose and Maverick, Dan has discovered that he has “the Need, the Need for Speed!”

If YOU have the NEED FOR SPEED – or even want to know all of the ways that more bandwidth can benefit your company – DON’T MISS OUR WEBINAR on:

Thursday, August 18th 2016


Some of the questions that we will answer for you during the webinar are:

  • How should you prepare?
  • Which providers in your area are the best?
  • How much should you budget for your carrier costs?
  • What essential questions do you need to ask your carrier?
  • How much bandwidth do you really need?

RSVP to the webinar below or reach out to our team directly at or (919) 424-2000 to learn more about how our team of I.T. experts can help.

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