
Selecting a company to maintain your I.T. is one of the most important decisions you can make. You must find the most competent and dedicated support personnel in the area.

Here are 5 questions to ask when interviewing I.T. support companies in Raleigh.

  • What Industries Have You Served?

Find out if they’ve worked in industries similar to yours. If not, determine if the work they’ve performed for others aligns with your needs.

  • How Large is Your Company?

I.T. support companies come in all sizes. With a smaller company, you’ll likely be high on their priority list. With larger companies, their knowledge base, capabilities and resources may be more expansive. It’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons to determine if they meet your needs.

  • What Are Your Staff Qualifications and Certifications?

The right I.T. company can provide certifications held by their staff, and relay how these will meet your needs. Read through case studies and testimonials on the company’s website, to determine if they’re qualified.

  • Do You Offer Outsourced CIO Services?

Having an Outsourced CIO means your I.T. is kept up to date, and costs to a minimum.

  • What Is and Isn’t Covered in Your Support Contract?

In addition to a list of all the support they provide, find out what they don’t. Understanding their fixed-fee services, and those that cost you extra, is crucial to determine if they are the right fit.

CSP Inc. answers all of your questions and backs them up with results. Simply contact us to ask what you need to know. (919) 424-2000 info@cspinc.com

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