Please see below for additional updates as CSP deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s updates include:

  • Response to Wake and other NC counties Stay at Home Orders
  • Updated Client On-Site Visit Guidelines
  • Response to Local Government Stay at Home Orders

CSP is considered an “Essential Business” under the terms of the proclamation orders.

We will continue to provide comprehensive IT services throughout the pandemic while complying with the spirit of the proclamation orders. We are particularly sensitive to operating in a fashion that prioritizes the safety of both client and CSP staff.

CSP’s focus will continue to be to provide IT support “remotely.” Well over 90% of IT support needs can be handled remotely. End user support issues typically can be handled via “Take Control” tools CSP possesses to connect to a user’s PC – whether they are at home or in the office. All “remote take control” sessions require end user approval before we proceed.
CSP will continue to provide on-site IT support only for critical issues that cannot be remediated “remotely.” If there is a work-around for an issue that adequately maintains user productivity, CSP requests the on-site visit be deferred until the Stay at Home orders are rescinded.

The rear entrance of CSP’s headquarters office will continue to be staffed; albeit intermittently. If you need to visit the CSP office, please call in advance to schedule an appointment.

CSP’s systems for monitoring and managing your IT operations are designed so our entire staff can operate “virtually.” Almost every CSP staff member is now working from home. However, there should not be any change in our service readiness or performance.

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Updated Client On-Site Visit Guidelines

CSP will limit on-site visits to ONLY critical service needs that MUST be performed on-site. We appreciate your cooperation as we work to limit the number and duration of on-site visits.

CSP staff will not proceed to a client site if they are symptomatic or if they are aware they have been exposed to someone infected with COVID-19.

Upon arrival at a client site, we have insisted our staff maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet with EVERYONE in the client office.

If an engineer needs to visit a user’s PC, printer, etc., we have instructed our engineer to request the user move at least six feet away. We also require the user to “wipe down” his or her keyboard, mouse, printer, etc. BEFORE, our engineer touches it.

Visits to smaller spaces such as network closets or server rooms must be limited to one person in the room at a time.

We trust you understand and agree with these guidelines. However, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your CSP account manager.

Thank you for your patience – and stay safe. The CSP Team remains committed to supporting you throughout this crisis. We greatly appreciate our partnership with you.

If you need us, please contact our help desk at 919-424-2060 or


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