July 2022
St. Michael's Episcopal Church Signs On As A New Client For CSP, Inc.

The CSP team is proud to announce that we have officially added St. Michael's Episcopal Church to our continuously growing network of clients. CSP is excited to share that we have partnered with St. Michael's Episcopal Church to manage their IT on an ongoing basis. While their end goal may not be to turn a profit, the fact is that many churches operate like small businesses in one way or another, particularly in their need of an operational IT infrastructure. That's why St. Michael's Episcopal Church works with CSP.
CSP Sponsors A Day to Give Hope
The CSP team is proud to have sponsored InterAct's A Day to Give Hope, which brought together a range of community members to raise funding for this important local organization. On June 22, 2022, InterAct held its annual A Day to Give Hope, and CSP was proud to be an investing sponsor for the event.
CSP, Inc. Welcomes James Melton
To Our Team
To continue serving our ever-growing networking of clients, we've added another new Raleigh IT expert to our team: James Melton. We are excited to share that we have grown our team again: please welcome James Melton to the CSP community!
Guilford Child Development Works With
CSP, Inc. For All Their IT Support
The CSP team is proud to announce the latest addition to our growing network of clients across the state: Guilford Child Development. Guilford Child Development is the newest member of the CSP client community. We'd like to take this chance to highlight the important work they do.
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