January 2022
Get To Know Our Newest Client
StepUp Ministry
The CSP team is excited to add StepUp Ministry to our ever-growing network of clients.

CSP is proud to announce that we have partnered with yet another local non-profit: StepUp Ministry. While we love all our clients, we have a special place in our hearts for the non-profits we support. StepUp is no different. At CSP, part of our mission is to leave our community in a better place. We love Raleigh, and we love to give back. Thus, we are humbled to support an organization like StepUp. We're excited to manage their technology and give them the assets they need to grow and succeed.
Arnold Fogg Joins Team CSP
CSP, Inc. is proud to announce the latest addition to our staff of IT professionals: Arnold Fogg. Please join us in welcoming Arnold to the CSP team. Arnold Fogg is one of the latest additions to the CSP team of IT experts. He joined us as an RRT Client Engineer and started on the first day of 2022.
CSP Adds Brandon Mavin To The Team
CSP, Inc. is proud to announce the latest addition to our staff of IT professionals: Brandon Mavin. Please join us in welcoming Brandon to the CSP team. The CSP team is excited to announce their newest member: Brandon Mavin, who joins us as a RRT Client Engineer.
What Should You Know For Your 2022 Technology Plan?
We're more than a month into 2022-have you started planning your technology for the year? The sooner you get started on it, the more effective it will be. If your IT budget isn't going as far as you'd like, then you need to start planning it sooner rather than later. By understanding the value IT offers, you can learn how to better spend your IT budget.
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