Questions? Call (919) 424-2000

Know Of A Business In Need Of An IT Partner?
Give Us Their Number!

Valentine’s Day is a day meant to honor relationships. But this holiday is about more than just romance – it’s a chance to show love and appreciation to everyone who matters in your life. Family and friends, coworkers and clients.

When it comes to business relationships, there are none that CSP, Inc. values more than the ones we’ve built with our incredible clients. We really do love each and every one of you, and the only thing that could make us happier than working alongside your business each day would be finding even more great businesses to partner with.

If You Know Of A Business In Need Of IT Support Services, We Would Love It If You Would Consider Playing Matchmaker!

Fill out the quick form above with the necessary details for a business you would like to refer to us, so we can get in touch with them and start building a relationship. For every referral CSP receives, we will make a $100 donation in your name to a local charity.

By helping CSP, Inc. to build our client base, you’ll also be helping a fellow business get the IT support they need to reach their full potential, and do something amazing for your community at the same time.

Have questions? Contact us at or (919) 424-2000 . We’re proud to be the IT support provider businesses in Raleigh trust to be a true and steadfast partner.